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Genesis 39 verses 1-10 explain how God's presence in Joseph changed Joseph's life. Joseph who was nothing but God made him successful in everything. Joseph realized that everything he received was because of God, so he lived according to God's will by distancing himself from sin.


I. Evidence of God's Inclusion (Genesis 39:1-6)

In verse 2 it is very clear that God was with Joseph. The accompanying word in Hebrew is (את ). This word indicates that there is a relationship between the subject and the object. In this case, it means that Joseph has a good relationship with God, as evidenced by God's inclusion in his life. The word, also describes the form of God's promise to humans; affirmation to humans that God is indeed with that person. It is very clear that Joseph got God's presence because he had a good relationship with God.


- God makes him successful in work (verse. 1-3)

The first evidence of God's inclusion in Joseph's life is that God made him successful in his work (v. 2). In the previous chapters it is very clear that Joseph's brothers did not like him so they tried to kill him. But Reuben did not allow that Joseph be killed, but he was just put in a well and until the peak was he sold. Here it is clear that Joseph suffered a lot at that time.

But God made him prosperous ( לֵ֥יחַ ), God made everything he did bear good fruit. God turned Joseph's misfortune into a blessing in his life. Joseph's success was the result of God's work. This happens to everyone who sincerely seeks God with all his heart (2 Chronicles 31:21 cf. Joshua 1:8).

A pious person, who comes to God earnestly pleads with God to grant him success in his work (Psalm 118:25). It could be said that Joseph always prayed to God so that God would give him success in his work. Joseph's relationship with God was very good.


- God made him loved by others (verse. 4)

The third proof of God's inclusion is that God made him loved by others. In the previous chapter it was explained that Yusuf's brothers hated Joseph, but in verse 4 there is a very radical change. Where Joseph is liked by his master because his master also loves Joseph.

Joseph had great trust, he was given dominion over his house; Joseph was also allowed to serve him and all that Potiphar had was handed over to Joseph's authority. It is very clear that Joseph is loved by others because God is always with him, other people can see God's glory through Joseph's life.


- God made it a blessing (verse. 5)

The second proof of God's inclusion in Joseph's life is that God made him a blessing. Joseph lived in Potiphar's house, Potiphar entrusted Joseph with many things. God was not only with Joseph's life, but God was also with the lives of those around Joseph. Where God also blessed the place where Joseph lived.

The Hebrew word for blessing is (בָרַךְ ) which means to bless (explaining that it was God who blessed Joseph and the people around him). God bestowed power for success through Joseph, so it is very clear that God is the source of strength for success. Without the presence of God, there is no blessing in one's life. God blessed the Egyptian house because of Joseph, so that God's blessing may also be felt by those around Joseph. Where God also blessed the place where Joseph lived.

The Hebrew word for blessing is (בָרַךְ ) which means to bless (explaining that it was God who blessed Joseph and the people around him). God bestowed power for success through Joseph, so it is very clear that God is the source of strength for success. Without the presence of God, there is no blessing in one's life. God blessed the Egyptian house because of Joseph, so that God's blessing may also be felt by those around Joseph both at home and in the fields.


II. Believers Response (Verse. 6b-10)

Joseph not only accepted or experienced God's inclusion, but he also responded to God's inclusion through his lifestyle.


- Realizing God's inclusion (7-9)

In verse 6 b it is explained that Joseph was sweet in demeanor and beautiful in appearance, so Potiphar's wife fell in love with him and asked him to sleep with him. The Hebrew word for sleep is (שָׁכַב ), which can mean lying down (in death) or lying down (for sexual intercourse). In this context, this word is used in the context of sexual relations/illegal relationships (Compare Exodus 22:16; Deuteronomy 22 :22; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13).

Based on the context of Genesis 39:7, the word sha'kyab in the imperative form is a command to have sexual relations (Potiphar's wife ordered Joseph to have sexual relations with her). However, Joseph firmly refused Potiphar's wife's invitation, because he realized that God was with him (having a good relationship with God, so Joseph did not want to disappoint God). Joseph also recognized the kindness of his master, which Potiphar trusted deeply. Joseph made it clear that he did not want to commit that sin (sexual intercourse with his master's wife). The Hebrew word sin (חטָא ) meaning against God; lost the right direction or path.


- Have Integrity (verse 10)

Potiphar's wife seduced Joseph not once but many times. But Joseph remained in his stance not to want to obey to have sexual relations with his master's wife. It is very clear that Joseph had a firm stand, once he stated that he did not want to commit a sin then he did not want to commit that sin. Because Joseph did not want to compromise with sin, God was always with him so that he became a great man in Egypt (Genesis 40-50).





1. We must maintain our relationship with God through worship and reading God's Word, doing fellowship with believers.

2. We must realize that success comes from God so we should not be arrogant when we succeed

3. We must rely on God in every work we do, because God is the one who is able to give strength.

4. We must be faithful and earnest in our practice of service, so that we may be a blessing to the community in our surroundings. We must always be aware of every goodness and help of God in our lives so that we may do His will (not to commit sins, such as adultery). , stealing, cheating, etc.).

5. We must realize that God also uses other people to help us, therefore when we are helped by others we must also thank God and those who have helped us.

6. We must have a firm stand in God, so that we are not attracted to evil deeds

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