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(Psalm 34:17)

 (34-18) When the righteous cry out, the LORD hears and delivers them from all their troubles.

It's also difficult to be able to let go of all the tightness we face, Many also experience mental pressure, from family, friends, friends & other struggles, But we are in the process, We have to learn from the beginning, We continue to believe in God, if Inside we have mental or emotional feelings, it can cause disease to arise inside, but we keep calling out to God, leave everything to God, then God will hear our prayers & stories We are experiencing mental stress, God can surely free from all distress, from all our diseases, God has anointed, has removed the disease & removed the disease, Surely God will heal all of our lives.


(Ephesians 4:26)


When you become angry, do not sin: do not set the sun, until your anger is extinguished


So if when we get words from people who always try to offend us or make us hurt, don't immediately take emotional action, in God's Word teaches not to be emotional to people who always hurt our hearts, our thoughts can When we get sick, if we are mentally emotional, we can fall & break, until His emotions explode, can harm ourselves, can cause pain, Can we be emotional, don't let our emotions be too explosive to others, & don't sin, don't let the sun goes down because of our emotions, for example: not appreciated, not served, get problems but others are ignored, so that's why I'm really emotional "Don't be like that God doesn't want us to be emotional people, our heads can explode because of emotions, God it wants to teach us to be patient, before our anger goes out, God salutes to help us give patience to us, so that we become angry Ah, our lives, don't let us become self-controlled, the Holy Spirit has guided our lives, surely God will always restore & use us.

(Colossians 3:12-13)

Therefore, as God's chosen people who are sanctified and loved by Him, wear mercy, generosity, humility, gentleness and patience.


Be patient with one another, and forgive one another when one holds a grudge against another, just as God has forgiven you, you do the same.


Be patient in our hearts, because we are God's choice, our lives are always sanctified & loved by him, we must have mercy on each other, be generous and humble to each other, we have patience with each other,

We must not be emotional, for example We are not given the opportunity to share, serve or otherwise, Now it is selfish of His name if we always want to be noticed, We must also have mature thoughts in Christ, so that our glory must be there, if we being a patient person without being emotional, God will surely love him, if God doesn't like emotions, evil spirits use them if they are emotional, yes, we must get rid of the nature of emotions, so that our faith is not disturbed by evil spirits, because we have faith, must take it. a patient attitude, If there are people who are always wrong & evil, don't want to accept friendship or serve, we forgive each other, just like God teaches each other to love & forgive each other, so that there is peace in Christ, don't always hold grudges or emotions with people because they don't share each other, there must be a time when the Lord Jesus wants to bring us to have a positive impact, our emotions will be released by the power of the Holy Spirit us, Our patience will be given wisdom by the Lord Jesus.

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