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Marriage is a bond between a man and a woman on the basis of a promise before God and the congregation. But to keep this promise is not an easy thing, because as the marriage goes on it will definitely be tested. This test makes many marriages fall apart, and lead to divorce. What is concerning is that this divorce also occurs in Christian marriages.


Christian marriage is a marriage that comes from God, built on love, word and blessing from God. Christian marriages have a responsibility to obey God, so that they can carry out their respective responsibilities, become a harmonious marriage and become God's ambassadors. But the reality is that many Christian marriages cannot be God's ambassadors to the world, with many marriages not being harmonious.


Marriage is the most basic unit as well as the most influential unit in the world, occurring as a result of a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman to the sovereignty of God. Marriage that is valid for life has another meaning that only death can separate. Affirmed married couples have a fixed and unflinching focus. Whatever happens in marriage there is no other choice, there is no opportunity to back down or run away, there is only a choice to continue to build true love in the fidelity of the promises that have been made before God and His church.


Marriage is a total (comprehensive) fellowship of life which includes body, soul and spirit, and which also includes the present and the future. Marriage is an exclusive relationship: there is no place for a third person.


Christian Wedding Destinations


            Purpose is something very important, purpose is driving and life. As written by Rick Warren in his book entitled The Purpose Driven Life, that the purpose of life is far more important than anything. The main purpose of man is to glorify God, even the purpose of everything created is to glorify God. Because marriage is the life journey of two people together for life, every married couple must also understand what the purpose of the marriage is, so that the marriage becomes a meaningful marriage. The first purpose of marriage is not only to make one happy, but to make the other happy. So the purpose of marriage is to make each other happy, especially to be able to glorify God's name together.


10 questions before planning a wedding


Are you happy in your relationship so far? If you answered yes, then he really deserves to be considered as your lifelong companion

Have you ever felt stuck with him? if you ever even feel constrained when you are with him maybe you need to rethink whether your relationship deserves to be continued to the level of marriage, remember you will be with him every day for the rest of your life.

Can you do everything together and have fun? if not maybe over time you will be bored.

Does this relationship have a balanced weight or faith?

Do you trust him as your partner?

Is she really a life partner or just a person acting as a caregiver?

Did you develop for the better together?

Did you or he change because of each other?

Are you really interested in him?

Do you guys support each other?

In Protestant Christianity, the steps and conditions in a marriage that must be completed are as follows:


1. Marriage blessing forms from each church.


2. Baptism Letters of the Bride and Groom (original and photocopy)


3. Sidi Letter of the two prospective brides (original and photocopy)


4. Participate in pre-marital counseling held by the church where the marriage is blessed.


Apart from that, there are some churches that will announce the wedding date through congregational newsletters. The congregation was invited to join in praying for the couple. In addition, the church also wants to make sure if there are congregations who object to the marriage plan. If there is an objection, the church will discuss the objection with the congregation concerned and the two prospective brides.


Terms of marriage by country


            Romans 13:2 says, "Therefore whoever goes against the government is against the ordinance of God, and whoever does it, will bring judgment on him." Christianity does not stand alone. Christianity recognizes the existence of a sovereign state government. Thus, a religiously valid Christian marriage must also be legal before the law. Law No.1/1974 article 2 paragraph 2 states that "Marriage is legal according to the state if it has been registered in the state registry." For both Catholic and Protestant, beThe following are the requirements for marriage that are determined to be registered as a legal marriage by the state and civil registry as follows:


Marriage blessing certificate from the Church.

Church membership card.

Certificate of unmarried from each RT/RW.

Certificate from the village office.

KTP of each prospective bride and groom (original and photocopy).

Family card of each prospective bride and groom (original and photocopy).

Birth certificate of each prospective bride and groom (original and photocopy).

Parents' marriage certificate.

Parent's death certificate if a parent has died.

Marriage permit from the parents of the prospective bride and groom if the marriage is carried out at the age of 21 years.

Permission of the TNI/Polri commander if the prospective bride is a member of the TNI/Polri

Divorce or death certificate if previously married

Marriage dispensation from the sub-district if the new marriage registration is done <10 working days before the marriage takes place.

10 photos side by side of the bride and groom size 4x6 with the man standing on the woman's right.

Marriage is indeed a new beginning for a person's life. Therefore, marriage must be prepared as well as possible so that marriage is truly pleasing to God. Marriage must be prepared starting from finding the right life partner to maintaining the marriage relationship. Leave every wedding preparation in God's hands, let God really work in everything.


At a church wedding:


Entry of the Bride and Groom:


The entrance of the bride and groom into the church is accompanied by soft music and is followed by the families of the bride and groom.

The bride and groom are invited to sit side by side in the space provided.

The pre-wedding service begins with a few compliments.

WL opened the wedding service with a few remarks.

WL invited all guests present to sing the opening praise together.



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