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communication in Christian marriage


Communication in Marriage

Communication, involving at least two people. So that there is a reciprocal relationship so that it can create mutual understanding. Willing to accept, when the understanding is not understood by others. Establishing a relationship by connecting through words or actions. The quality of communication with God greatly determines the quality of communication with others (spouses). There is a good and harmonious relationship between the two parties. Relationships with God are the key to successful relationships with others (spouses).


For life in the household, communication is absolutely necessary. Without good communication, the relationship is not good (proves how important communication is). However, it is often ignored, so the quality of the resulting communication is not what it should be.

1. Become a good listener (James 1:19; Proverbs 18:13)

There will be no understanding if you do not hear each other well (not carelessly), therefore it is very necessary to hear everything first then give an answer. Learn to do it, both to God and to others.

2. Speak honestly and as it is (Matthew 5:37; 1 Peter 3:10)

If yes say yes, if not say no. Many failures in families occur because of dishonest words. Honest in everything, what the husband knows must be known by the wife so that nothing is hidden / hidden. Take care of your tongue and mouth, so as not to tell lies. There is no deceptive element in his mouth.

3. Speaks as one who conveys the Word of God (1 Peter 4:11)

Every word that comes out of the mouth must be guarded and cared for, whether it glorifies God or not. Do our words build or bring people down. Every word that comes out of our mouths should bless everyone. Joking too, don't overdo it. Not just talking. Think about what you said and say what you have thought, so that each word builds on one another. The words are powerful.

4.Spring that soothes wrath (Proverbs 15: 1)

Gives a gentle answer, sometimes the intonation is low and also high. So that harmony can arise.

5. Kind words and kind at the right time (Proverbs 15:23, 16:24, 25:11)

Even good words we must see the right time. (for example reprimanding a child, not in front of the law).



Often a person does not realize that he is applying it every day.

Good communication will maintain relationships from all conflicts. Conversely, bad communication will result in a lot of conflict.

1. The perceiver

a. Regarding other people, they will know

The result is often disappointment and anger. Assuming that other people already know, what is in their hearts must be expressed until each other understands.

2. The piece

a. Feels like I said it

The result was a misunderstanding. Didn't hear well, and can't confirm anymore. So that often do not cry, because it is not complete to convey and not complete to hear. It took time for this.

3. The trifle

a. Think other people have difficulty understanding

Other people feel belittled and as a result people are lazy to communicate with them. Can be a source of serious trouble, where he underestimate the person he is talking to.

4. The compassionate

a. Say sweetly and always say yes

What can happen to a different mouth and heart. As a result, this relationship is shallow and there is a potential for it to not be trusted. The relation is not strong.

5. The forgetful

a. I didn't say

Often forget the words. As a result, people tend not to believe it.

6. The debater

a. Asking to protect yourself

Is it true that I said that? How about you? Please correct yourself? As a result, other people are uncomfortable and think they are just looking for trouble.

7. The shield

a. Yes, I was wrong

Tend to give in to avoid a fuss. But as a result, the wrong person feels himself right.

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