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Every human being, consciously or unconsciously, always makes a decision. A decision can be interpreted as a choice taken. A well thought out decision, then we must live it well. Before deciding on anything there are many things to consider. Our current position is also a decision we have made, therefore we must do it well. Decisions are something that is very important in human life, so that there will be no regrets in the future. In this case, the decision to marry must also be considered carefully, so that there is no feeling of regret.

The way someone makes decisions is influenced by the background (the more we have a good experience, the more we will be able to make decisions well and vice versa). Family background, as well as studies can affect the person. When someone is married, whatever the decision is, it will always have an impact on their respective partners, both in spiritual, intellectual, psychological and physical terms. Therefore, the husband / wife must be careful in making decisions, so as not to cause destruction in the household. What is decided today can have an impact on the future.

Someone who is married, they have to make decisions with their partners, so that they can do it well, because those decisions were made by both of them so they also have to live it together and also with responsibility. Because a married couple can no longer make their own decisions like he did before, because he already has a partner. Therefore, it takes maturity with each other so that they can unite opinions.


(Solution to the difficulty)

Difficulty making decisions can occur because:

1. Have different goals (solutions, have the same goal)

2. Have different priorities (solutions, have the same priority)

3. Have different motivations (solutions, have the same motivation)

4. Have a different life change (solution, have the same new life in Christ)


a. Making decisions in doubt, decisions made without conviction and careful consideration often result in regret (cf. John 1: 6-8).

b. Making hasty decisions, under certain conditions sometimes having to make quick decisions, but making hasty decisions without considering many things often leads to disappointment. But it must be carried out, even though there are regrets. Ask God to improve yourself and your partner so they can understand each other.

c. Make your own decisions without involving God (James 4: 14-17) and spouse (Proverbs 15:22). Even though it is a good thing, if there is no agreement better pending first. There needs to be careful consideration, we need advice.

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