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Missiology is a branch of science that affirms that mission is the mission of One God, namely God the Triune God, in which God saves sinners in all the world. Allah is the source, initiator, dynamist, implementer and fulfillment of His mission. From this it is clear that the foundation of this mission of God departs from His heart and He Himself carries out His mission.

There are several terms related to mission, namely:

- Missio Ecclesiae: mission of the Church

- Missio Apostolorum: mission of the apostles

- Missio Christi: the mission of Christ “Christ sent His disciples, God sent Christ (John 20:21)

- Missio Dei: the entire work of God in saving the world that starts with the Israelites to the end of all believers.

In carrying out a mission, you must have a good motivation where everything depends on God's purpose, which is to save all mankind. In carrying out a mission, evangelism must be carried out because the preaching of the gospel is the most important thing in missionary activity.

In the missionary movement throughout the past centuries the Holy Spirit has played an active role so that they are able to pass through every challenge and persecution that occurs in each of their ministries. In this case it is also very clear that the work of God in helping everyone who is truly doing His duty so that the Gospel is growing and spreading to many areas.

Evangelism began to develop from the Old Testament which then grew clearly and clearly in the New Testament. Biblical mission begins with God, departs from God, is carried out by God and returns to God. In the New Testament (Matthew 28: 19-20) it is clear that Jesus gave the Great Commission to His disciples and this amant must also be done by everyone who believes in Jesus (every believer is a disciple of Jesus).

In the New Testament it is very clear that Jesus is an example in carrying out God's mission. Jesus was a missionary who was truly "professional" as a missionary, whose whole life was to carry out God's mission until He died on the cross (Mark 10:45).

The essence of the Great Commission in Matthew's Gospel is the mission of discipleship (matetes). There are two methods used by Matthew in mission (keruso = witnessing; didasko: teaching) by: Carrying out the teachings of Christ. Having a commitment to God's commands of justice, love and obedience to all God's will (Matthew 5-7). God's call to do the commandment of love is the sole basis for the conversion of the Church to carry out the Great Commission

The essence of the Great Commission in Mark's Gospel is: The mission of belief and repentance: that is, the basic attitudes and prerequisites for salvation (Mark 6:12; 16:16 cf. Mark 1:15 b). The heart of the Great Commission in Luke's Gospel is a mission of witness to faith where the main and first target of the Gospel are: Jews; Shows the battling (continuity) between the nation of Israel and the church; Luke's emphasis on mission: Repentance and forgiveness of sins. The heart of the Great Commission in John's Gospel is missionary mission: Jesus: who was sent to do the work of God in the world (John 5:19; John 3:16); Allah: the one who sends identifies Himself in the One He sends.

The heart of the Great Commission in Acts is: A Testimony of Faith

Witnesses (martos / martures) appear 13x in the Acts of the Apostles. In many cases the word apostle (evangelos is synonymous with the word witness (martos). In Acts this task is assigned to humans who are very weak and unable to do anything on their own but continue to depend completely on the Holy Spirit. the nations to the heathen nations.

This book also explains the elements of mission, namely:

1. The Mission Board is a sender. The mission agency has the task of organizing a mission project, organizing a mission project, making a proposal for a mission project, raising funds, conducting surveys and research on the place to be recruited recruiting candidates for the mission agency's delegation to be sent, training and educating the mission agency's delegates to make contact with people in the mission field equipping the missionary with the ability in administrative, immigration and population matters, sending the mission agency's delegation to a designated place to monitor the condition and services of the mission agency's delegation, always giving advice / counseling to the mission agency delegation continue giving information / reports on mission assignments to sponsors.

2. Representatives of the Mission Board are those who are sent, in this case individuals or groups of institutions sent by the Mission Board to carry out the mission. Mission delegates have the task of making themselves part of the local community, so that they can be accepted by the local community, equip themselves with local permits, receive protection from the government, carry out

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