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Mis strategy is absolutely necessary in mission service, in order to deal with all situations. This term comes from military science which means a command that contains tactics to face the enemy in order to gain victory. This strategy is very necessary to express faith in what God will reveal (express faith in what God will do in our lives). This strategy also maintains loyalty to what is done. It is permissible to keep going in the process so that God's mission can still be accomplished. Help yourself to be faithful to your mission, even if it is very difficult.

The right strategy is:

1. Directed to the needs of certain tribes

2. Derpusat on certain goals

3. Based on sufficient research and data (in accordance with the necessary conditions)

4. To use manpower and resources effectively, the goal is to be able to use all funds effectively. The components are:

- Man himself; starting from oneself to the group.

- Motivation, motivation must be obtained by the encouragement of the Holy Spirit.

- Goals, targets, goals that must be owned. Have a vision and mission as targets to be carried out.

- Goals, long term; goals, concrete, measurable.

- Strategy, the method used to achieve the specified goals.

5. State who is responsible for forming the stages of the strategy. (BM gives to UBM as the executor)

6. Emphasize the establishment and multiplication of the church, so that there will be a growth of evangelistic posts.

7. Using methods that can develop on their own, without relying on outside help. Many mission services fail because they depend on human help, human help is limited, while help is unlimited, far beyond what we think.

8. Emphasize ready-to-harvest fields

9. Maintain an attitude of sustainability

Mission strategy used in the world

1. Assign ministry assignments

2. Describe the group

3. Describe the power of evangelism

4. Check the means and methods

5. Determine how to approach

6. Think about the results to be achieved

7. Define roles

8. Make a plan

9. Get resources

10. Acting

11. Evaluation

6 Reasons for a mission strategy (Alton)

a. The breadth of mission objectives includes universal => all humans receive salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ

b. Minority status: True Christians are a minority group, not quantity but quality (the faith of the church that is important).

c. Limited resources in this world: a strategy is needed to manage them. Things cannot happen suddenly.

d. God's work in history: it can be seen how important language is

e. Our need to commit ourselves to God's plan and work

f. The Holy Spirit guides His followers in mission assignments.

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