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                            MANAGING FINANCES (PKH 7:12)

    Money can provide protection, if someone has the wisdom to manage it well.


1.  Ecclesiastes 5: 9. Whoever loves money will not be satisfied, and whoever loves wealth will not be         satisfied with his income. This too is pointless. A person who does something because the                     motivation is money. Money will not be able to satisfy man, so he will continue to look for it. (Has          a nice house, but is not satisfied so he wants a bigger house).

2. 1 Timothy 6:10. Because the root of all evil is the love of money. For it is because of the pursuit of         money that some have strayed from the faith and have tormented themselves with all kinds of                 sorrows. This money can be a source of crime, because his love for money makes him never                 satisfied. As a result, he is willing to do everything as long as he has money. In fact, someone who          loves money can sell his faith, because the focus is no longer on God but on the money.

3.  Hebrews 13: 5. Do not become slaves of money and be sufficient with what you have. Because             Allah has said: I will never forsake you and I will not forsake you. People who are servants of                 money will do something if they can make money. A person who cannot fulfill himself with what he       has, will find a way for him to fulfill his desires; he does not think about any consequences he will         face even if it is something negative.

4. 2 Timothy 3: 2. Human will love himself and become slave for money. They will boast and boast,         they will become slanders, they will rebel against their parents and are ungrateful, they do not care         about religion.

5.   MATTHEW 6:24. It is not permissible to dualate God by loving money. God must be priority in               our life.

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