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 1. Sex is God's creation

If Allah created sex, then sex is good. Sex can only be enjoyed in the marriage created by God.

Sex was created by God in humans as a means of reproduction and can only be practiced in a marriage relationship (Genesis 1 and 2). Allah created man and woman to be perfect. And God brought man and woman together, blessed them to become husband and wife (Genesis 2: 18-25).

2. Sexual holiness is God's will 

(1 Thessalonians 4: 3-7). God wants sexual holiness.

4: 3 For this is the will of God: your sanctification, that you may abstain from fornication,

4: 4 that each one of you may take a woman as your own wife and live in sanctification and honor,

4: 5 not in lust, as those who do not know God do,

4: 6 and that in these things one should not mistreat or deceive his brother. Because God is the avenger of all this, as we have said and confirmed to you.

4: 7 God does not call us to do what is defiled, but what is holy

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