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                                                         LUKE 22: 54-62

The Apostle Peter was known as a disciple of Jesus who had a big role in evangelism, the Apostle Peter was also known as the leader of the Apostles when Jesus ascended to heaven. He was a very good man at preaching, he was a very good man at teaching.

Even though he was known to be a great person but could not be separated from it, Peter had weaknesses. When Jesus was with them in the evening meal, Jesus showed them and told them what would happen to Him. Peter firmly said that he would still defend Jesus, he would still stand beside Jesus when Jesus needed a friend to help him. But Jesus said to him before the cock crows you have denied me three times.

Peter was a reckless person, he was a person who had quite high emotions, and he replied to Jesus, that he would not deny Jesus, and he would still stand with Jesus even when the Roman soldiers came to arrest Jesus, Peter showed his greatness , he took his knife and cut off the ears of Maltus who was a Roman soldier.

In the Book of Luke chapters 22: 54-62, this is a passage that tells of the things that happened when Jesus was arrested and Peter's character that really made Jesus devastated.

The first weakness is: At the time Jesus was arrested Peter was just following along. In Luke 22:54, it is clearly recorded that when Jesus was arrested, Peter was only following from afar.

Peter, whom he had said in the evening meal, that he would still accompany Jesus and be with Jesus. But now when Jesus is arrested Peter is just following along.

Peter's human nature arises, he is afraid and is not with Jesus, but at that time Jesus was in need of a friend to support him so that he could endure a heavy enough burden, at that time Jesus was in a state of distress, but there was not one disciple. anyone approached Him for support, including Peter.

Peter's character, often recurs in our lives, we are often careless and do what Peter has done before, we often leave our friends, our brothers who are in big trouble, we only see from afar, we are not close to him. to provide support to him. Maybe he is in need of a friend, needs a brother to be able to help and ease his heavy burden, but we, me and our siblings sometimes we only see from afar.

We are brothers in God, friends in the love of Jesus Christ, let us pay attention to giving each other, if there are our brothers, our friends who are experiencing serious problems, which are draining and mindful, let us also pay attention and help each other so that the problems faced not too much for him.

The mistakes that Peter had made, let them not be repeated in our lives in this church, not repeated in our environment, even in our own families. We are friends, we are brothers, let's pay attention to each other so that we share with each other.

The second weakness is: Peter sat with the scribes and people who were hostile to Jesus. In verse 55, it clearly says that Peter sat in the middle of them, Peter was not aware, Peter did not want to be recognized that he was the one who was always with Jesus.

EG White is a theological writer who is quite reliable. He said in the book The Desire of the Ages that Peter, in their midst, not only changed his character, but he also changed his accent so that he would not be recognized by people that he was a Galilean who was always with him. Jesus.

Peter was a man from Galilee who came to Jerusalem, of course his accent was different from that of the Jerusalemites, but to deny that he changed his accent so that he would not be recognized by people. He pretended so that he could escape the pressure.

Sometimes the same thing we do, maybe when our friend or our brother is under pressure we leave him, see him from afar, even away from him.

Jesus was very hurt, a person who was considered great, capable of doing a job, betrayed Him. All my brothers and sisters, my dear friends in God, let's change our new life so that we can move together with our friends, our colleagues, even our brothers.

The third weakness is: Peter denied Jesus. In verse 56, there is a female servant who questions her, she says, no I don't, I don't know her, Peter said.

Peter denies Jesus in front of a woman, who is actually not too difficult to deal with, after that in verse 58, another man tells him, that you are a follower of Jesus, he again said the same thing, not me not. After an hour he was there, another man said emphatically to him, that you are a follower of Jesus. The answer was very painful and pierced the heart of Jesus, he returned to say, no, I do not know what you are saying.

Peter had repudiated his own Master. Every day Jesus was always with them, ate with them, slept with them, walked with them, taught them good things, even when they were experiencing dangers, troubles, difficulties, Jesus was still with them. But this time Peter denied Him, only because he wanted to save himself.

When the cock crowed three times Jesus 'eyes began to look for where Peter was standing, Jesus looked around the room, and when Jesus' eyes met Peter's, Peter ran out of the room, crying for forgiveness.

Often we want to save ourselves, and sacrifice our friend, we blame our friend, cornered him, just to rid ourselves of the problems we are facing together. We say no, even though we have also joined together to follow.

We often deny Jesus in our lives every day, we sell our faith at the price of liquor which only costs 15 thousand, we deny Jesus who has redeemed us with the price of a cigarette of 1000 rupiah. We also deny Jesus with our actions every day.

Let us together, you and I realize what we have done, deny our Jesus, deny our faith, and make Jesus like being over and over again.

Peter hurt Jesus so cruelly, even very bitterly to Jesus, but Jesus looked at him with great compassion, with full of forgiveness, with great affection. Jesus forgave him, Jesus gave him the opportunity to realize his mistake that it was wrong, as it is said in verse 61, then Jesus turned away and looked at Peter. In verse 62, Peter realized that, he ran back and cried asking for forgiveness from Jesus, he realized that his actions were very, very painful for Jesus, he realized that it was wrong.

On this day, my brothers and I are just like Peter who denied Jesus over and over again, but Jesus who is full of love, full of grace, full of forgiveness, looks at us with full compassion and forgiveness, He wants to forgive us of all our mistakes. , like he had forgiven Peter. He wants us to turn around, He wants us to realize that we were wrong.

All my friends, Jesus keeps calling us, and his face continues to address us, and wants to take us home, on the right path. He always stands before His Father and says that we are his children, are his friends, his brothers and he wants us to welcome His love.

EG White said in the true education book, the Apostle Peter was someone who was very often rebuked by Jesus, he was a person who always got advice, but with those admonitions, he changed and became the first apostle, bringing the gospel to the Gentiles. .

Because of his repentance, Jesus wanted to use Peter, and become a zealous evangelist, and even martyrdom, by being crucified on the head.

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