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1. History

    The Book of Exodus is the second book of a collection of 5 books (Pentaeukh), compiled by Moses. The book of Exodus continues the story that began in the Book of Genesis. The book of Exodus describes the extraordinary deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt by God and the departure of the Israelites from the land of Egypt as God's chosen people.

2. Geography

In the book of Exodus, many places were occupied by the Israelites, including:

1. The Land of Egypt (14:8)

2. Mount Sinai (19:1-40 ; 38)

3. Mount Horeb (33:6)

4. Red Sea (14;15-31)

5. Desert (14:3)

6. Rafidim (17:1)

7. Hilltop (17:10)

8. Marah (15:23)

9. Elim (16:1)

10. Masa and Meribah (17:7)

11. Tabernacle of meeting/ Tabernacle (29:4b)

12. The Nile (2:3)

13. Philistines (13:17)

14. Midian (4:19)

15 Ramses and Succoth (12:37)

And the main areas are Egypt, Rameses, and Mount Sinai.

3. Climate

    The climate in the book of Exodus is not so clearly explained and not even recorded but it can be concluded that the climate in the hot desert was evident when the Israelites were thirsty and needed water.

4. Political

    The political background of changing Egyptian dynasties, which did not know Joseph, had an effect on slavery.

5. Culture

    A nation must have its own characteristics that they adhere to in their daily lives. Culture is a way or pattern of life that develops and is owned by a group of people that is passed on to the next generation. The culture of a nation can vary from the family system, how to dress, how to worship and so on. . The culture of the Israelites highly values ​​sons as their heirs, while they do not consider daughters in a family. The Israelites seem to have worn undergarments in the form of loincloths or long underpants, which immediately covered the body. For their daily clothes, they usually wear robes or clothing accessories such as shirts with long or short sleeves, up to the knees or ankles. The Jews kept the covenant between their forefathers and God. One of their agreements is about circumcision. On the eighth day of birth, every boy must have his foreskin removed. The culture of Moses was the statutes of the Law that were given by God such as

 Every Israelite must be circumcised

 Every year the Israelites celebrated the Passover

 Feast of the Seven Weeks

 Feast of Tabernacles

6. Trust

    The Jews follow a heavenly religion which is claimed to be the oldest religion in the world that originated with Abraham. The Jews believe in only one God, YHWH. YHWH also has led the Israelites out of the land of Egypt to the land of Canaan. But in practice the people often made God's heart jealous by their worship of idols.


Book Distribution / Outline

1. The Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 1:1-22)

• Ex 1:1-7 The Birth of a Nation

• Ex 1: 8-22 Slavery of a Nation

2. Moses the Deliverer (Exodus 2:1-4:3)

• Ex 2:1-10 The birth and youth of Moses

• Ex 2:11-25 Moses' Disappointment

• Ex. 3:1-10 Call to Moses

• Ex 3:11-15 Moses' doubts and the appearance of God

• Ex. 3:16-22 The Sentence

• Exodus 4:1-7 Moses' Objections

• Ex 4:18-31 Moses received his Call

3. Deliverance from Slavery (Exodus 5:1-18:27)

• Ex 5:1-23 Moses argued with Pharaoh

• Ex 6:1-8 Moses was reassured by God

• Ex 6:9-13 God's call to Moses renewed

• Ex 6:14-27 Data of the ancestors of Nusa

• Ex 6:28-7:7 Covenant with Moses

• Ex 7:8-11:10 Conflict with Pharaoh

• Ex 12:1-13:22 Passover and deliverance from Egypt

• Ex 14:1-15:21 Crossing the Red Sea

• Ex 15:22-18:27 Experience in the Wilderness

4. Rules and Covenants (Exodus 19:1-31:18)

• Ex 19:1-25 The Israelites at Sinai

• Ex 20:1-26 Mosaic Covenant

• Exodus 21:1-23:33 Book of Covenants

• Exodus 24:1-18 Ratification of covenants

• Exodus 25:1-31:18 Ways of Worship

5. Failures and Updates

• Ex 32:1-34:35 Failure of the Israelites

• Exodus 35:1-31:18 Work and worship

Contents of the Book/Conclusion of the Overall Contents of the Book

The first part, chapters 1-15 describes the oppression of Israel in Egypt; the history of the calling of Moses: the issuing and enactment of the Passover; and the Teberau sea crossing; destruction of Pharaoh's army, the song of Moses' victory.

The second part, chapters 15-18 tells about the redemption of Israel and the events of the journey from the Red Sea to Sinai; the bitter waters of Marah, the giving of quail and manna, the observance of Aabat, the miraculous gift of water at Rephidim, and the battle with the Amalekites; Jethro's arrival at the camp and his advice on the government of the people.

The third part, chapters 19-40 tells about self-purification and sanctification; God gave ten commandments; The Lord gave instructions for setting up the Tabernacle, its furnishings, andworship in it

Characteristics of the Book

The specifics / uniqueness contained in the Book of Exodus are:

1. This book records the historical circumstances of the birth of Israel as a nation

2. In the Ten Commandments (chapters 20:1-17), this book contains a summary of God's moral law and righteous guidance for His people

3. It is the most important OT book in describing the nature of God's grace and redemptive power in His actions

4. This whole book is full of glorious revelations about a God who is gracious, just, and worthy of sincere worship as the most high God who came down to dwell with His people.

5. The book of Exodus emphasizes the how, what, and why of true worship to be performed as a book of the redemption of God's people.

Important Themes of the Book

1. Main verse/chapter

• Exodus 1:8

• Exodus 2:24-25

• Exodus 12:27

• Exodus 20:2-3

2. Characters

The main character of the book of Exodus is Moses, the man chosen by God to lead His people out of Egypt.

3. Topics

• Moses' history: how he was saved as a baby; how he was brought up in Pharaoh's court; how he was called and by God from the burning bush; how he challenged Pharaoh to free the Israelites from slavery; and how he led the Israelites triumphantly across the Red Sea to the desert of Sinai,

• God's communication with Moses on Mount Sinai, the giving of God's ten commandments.

• the making of the Tabernacle for the place, and the rules regarding worship.

Principles of Life and Service


1. God's inclusion in His people

2. God's election to the leader of His people

3. God's timely help

4. Amazing miracles in helping His people

5. God's faithfulness to His people


1. Learn not to worry in this life because God is always with you

2. Believe and believe that God has never wrongly chosen us to be His servants pelayan

3. Believe and believe God's help will be real in life every time

4. Believe that God's miracles are real for those who are faithful and believe in Him

5. Believe that God never leaves us even though we are happy and sad, because He is God is faithful to those who believe in Him

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