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                                     STAYING IN JESUS

    Philippians 4: 6 Do not worry about anything, but in all things express your desire to God in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.

    Don't worry about anything. In everything, pray and make your requests to Allah. What do you need, always tell Allah with thanks (BIS)

1. Don't worry (believe)

2. Declare to Allah (there is a reality) = parent and child

3. This is done: pray, forgiveness (there is an action) =

Dear brothers and sisters in the name of God, the world is currently experiencing a bad condition caused by the corona virus. This corona virus has a huge impact on the human condition both physically and spiritually, as a result, so many people have died and at times like this, worship must also be online. In such conditions not many people can survive physically or spiritually. However, we as believers must have differences with people who do not know God, at times like this we should strengthen our relationship with God and try to be a blessing. Likewise, the Apostle Paul did, where when he was imprisoned he was still a blessing to many people.

Dear brothers in the name of the Lord Jesus, this letter of Philippi was written by the Apostle Paul when he was in prison when he wrote this letter he still gave thanks and prayed for the church there. Paul wrote this letter because there was a division and many of them did not agree, while in prison Paul longed for the church in Philippi to remain strong in God (maintain their faith). Likewise today, God desires that we can endure all the processes that God allows to happen in our lives, namely by living in Jesus.

My theme is staying in Jesus.

1. Believe in God (Genesis 15: 6, Abraham is called the father of believers there is no doubt Abraham to God).

2. Build a relationship with God (David, when he had a problem he always cried out to God)

3. The existence of a real action

The Apostle Paul was able to endure because he remained in Jesus, so those of us who want to survive let us stay in Jesus. Namely, by believing in Him with all our hearts we build a relationship with God to make a real action.