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The Philippian church is believed to have stood with the help of several people who had changed and were converted after receiving the gospel preached by the Apostle Paul, namely Lydia, a purple cloth seller (Acts 16:11-15) and a prison warden (Acts 16:27-34). And the Philippians in the letter that Paul sent through Epaphroditus (a person sent from Philippi to assist Paul's ministry), it is mentioned about the overseer of the church and the deacon who can be referred to the two people above as the person in charge.

Paul in the letter sent through Epaphroditus (Phil. 2:25) intends to explain the church's misunderstanding of the letter Paul sent earlier regarding Epaphroditus as a "servant" who helped the Apostle Paul, and thanked the church for all the work and assistance that the church sent for him. helped Paul in ministry.

The writing of this letter may have been written while the apostle Paul was in prison in Rome, but the imprisonment in Ephesus can also be a matter of concern.

Impression: A leader has a responsibility to give understanding to his followers or people who believe in him, in this case Paul gives understanding because the Philippians seem to have misunderstood Paul's intentions when sending the first letter.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 19:53 WIB – 21:04 WIB


Pages 142-169

The Epistle to the Philippians is a complete letter, although many opinions and arguments "seem" rationally convincing, which say that this Epistle is a collection of interleaved letters. However, we still believe that this Surah is a unified whole, although strong evidence is needed to be able to maintain this belief. Philippians 2:6-11 is a well-known and doctrinal verse in the church, but there is a problem where theologians think that this verse "hymn" was not written by Paul. In addition we can see that the doctrine of the existence of Christ from this hymn has three phases.



The Colossians were the fruit of the work/ministry of Epaphras, and Paul had never visited that church (1:4 and 2:1). This letter was written to help answer the problems that occur in the church, because Epaphras and Arkhipus as Paul's co-workers are difficult to solve these problems, these problems are the same as other problems in the congregation, namely regarding heresies and false teachings. The heresy referred to in this letter is a group of people who have teachings or the word philosophy that Paul uses to show that ha is deviant, indeed the heresy referred to in this letter is difficult to predict what they teach. However, from the point that Paul conveyed, it was seen that it was implicit in many things, whether it was about Christ, customs, and much more.


This letter aims to teach or provide a dogma about the majesty of Christ that exceeds all that exists, or everything that has been created, in addition to fighting heresies, and giving understanding to the congregation always holding on to Christ and not adhering to the world's "customs" rules. made by humans.

This Epistle was written by Paul although there are many theories and comments regarding the authenticity of this Epistle that Paul wrote it. With the reason that the situation in the letter does not indicate when Paul was alive (before or after Paul lived), but all of these things can be refuted by looking at the contents of this letter and the Epistle of Philemon which refers to the situation when the Apostle Paul was still alive. This letter was written when Paul was imprisoned in Rome, until now few have doubted this theory, and this letter was written around 80 AD And the contents of verse 4:16 regarding the letter to the church in Laodicea concluded that the letter was lost, and it is difficult to conclude that Philemon or Ephesians is the intended letter.



This book has become a very useful reference for me, because with or after reading this book, I have discovered many new things which are certainly useful as knowledge to be able to understand the Bible better. And after reading this book it can help me to understand better than the explanation of the pastor's sermon in the church, especially for this year the church where I come for fellowship and listen to the sermon is taken from the Epistle of Colossians.

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