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Shalom Good morning dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST, Enjoy His blessings today, Peace be upon us all, Lord Jesus bless 🙏




Read God's Word: Philippians 3:1-16📖

"...but this is what I do: I forget what is behind me and turn to what is before me," Philippians 3:13

My beloved brother in God, In this life there must be something that we always remember: sweet experiences are also bitter. But there is one thing we must always remember and never forget, that is God!

             Often people are so easy to forget God, especially when things are good and pleasant, as it is said: God's Word "...My people have forgotten Me, since time immeasurably long." (Jeremiah 2:32b). But what we really have to forget are bitter experiences, failures and mistakes in the past. We can learn from the Apostle Paul who had a past he wanted to forget. Before being 'arrested' by the Lord Jesus, Paul, who was previously named Saul, was a persecutor of the church; he was very antipathetic towards Christians. But since meeting Jesus Paul's life was changed. The Bible states; "So whoever is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has passed away, behold the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17). That is why Paul was determined to forget his dark past.

     As believers we must do the same: lock the door of the past and not remember it anymore. It's useless to blame yourself and constantly regret everything that has happened. What we need to do is learn from the situation and resolve not to make the same mistakes.

     Let's use all our strength towards success with God. Maybe we failed in the past, forget it. Think of the step ahead of us. If we keep our eyes on Christ, we will experience glory with Him. Paul had done many things for the Lord, but he did not consider himself to have accomplished them all. Even while in prison he still wanted to know God better and do everything God wanted him to do. He never cared about the situation in his life, even though the suffering and persecution for the name of God had to be endured. We may say, "I'm not Paul. I can't be like him." We don't have to be like Paul!

God wants us to do what we can for His glory, don't dwell on the past!




Praise God's name


Shalom brothers and sisters, thank you in the Lord Jesus Christ, good morning, good work, keep the spirit, keep relying on God, always be grateful and try, may the Holy Spirit help us all to do His Word, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and fellowship The Holy Spirit be with us all Amen

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