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                                                                  CHAPTER 1


    In the book of Matthew 10:16 says be as shrewd as serpents and sincere as doves. To think about this very well does not make sense, because why people are said to be like snakes and doves. But it must be clearly understood what Jesus meant to say about this.

    Snakes are categorized as clever animals, snakes are also often said to be cunning animals, proven when the snake manipulates the words of Allah which makes Eve attracted to the words spoken by the snake to Eve so that Eve is captivated by Snake's words and does not remember Allah's words to them so Adam and Eve fell into sin.

    Pigeons are a type of bird, which Noah used to find out whether the water in the earth was dry during the flood that covered the whole earth. So, it can be said that the dove is wise.

    But in this context, what did Jesus mean to say this so that we would be like snakes and doves? Or how? It will be discussed in this paper what exactly Jesus meant to say this term.

                                                    CHAPTER 2 


A. Snake

Snakes are reptiles that have no legs, have a round, elongated body, and have scaly skin that live on land or in water. Snakes seem weak, but are very feared by humans because snakes can be deadly to those around them if they feel in danger / threatened.

B. Pigeons

Pigeon is a kind of bird, in belief and culture symbolizes peace. Pigeons are also birds that are trained as mail carriers. In the Bible doves are also used by Noah to find out whether the water on earth was dry when the floods hit the earth at that time.

C. Clever

Clever is quick to understand a situation and clever looking for solutions to problems at hand. Clever is also said to be smart in finding a way out when there is something dangerous that strikes and being able to do something to find a way out to achieve a goal. Clever is also often said to be cunning.

D. Sincere

Sincere is a clean heart, honest, not pretending, not cheating, sincere, sincere.

                The Meaning Of The Terms Clever As Snake And Sincere Like Dove

    If we look at the explanation above, it is very confusing and makes no sense. Because how could humans be like snakes to be smart and like doves to be sincere. Yet if we think carefully about how clever a snake and a sincere dove might be, because both are animals. And we know that animals have no reason and no mind, and that it is natural for humans to teach, or train animals.

     In this case are we told to become snakes? NOT! But we are told to be smart like snakes. Not all of our snake traits are imitated. Snake's one outstanding ability is cunning. And the snake's ingenuity is what distinguishes it from other animals. Why is it said this is because snakes know where to hide in order to pounce on their prey.

    In the Bible the snake is categorized as a smart animal than all the animals on land and is often said to be a cunning animal. The cleverness of the snake was evident when he tricked Eve so that she was captivated by his words.

    But in this case Jesus taught not to be smart and rotten but to be full of caution and wisdom in responding to everything, thinking about every step and decision taken, guarding words and behavior, not acting carelessly but seeing situations and conditions so as not to be mistaken in Act. Why is it said that because if the snake is in danger it will immediately escape and possibly prey on it, the snake also knows safe places away from enemy interference.

    In this case we are also not told to be like doves. But we are told to be sincere. Pigeons have the nature of not having the courage to fight (if they are driven away they will immediately fly), are tame, weak, and harmless (because they do not have any weapons, unlike other birds).

    Tulus in Greek "akeraios" which comes from "a" which means not and "karennumi" which means mixing. So akeraios means not being mixed, that is, pure and sincere. So what is said to be sincere like a dove is harmless, does not attack. Why should it be said to be like a dove? Because the Jews considered the dove to be a bird far from cunning. In this case Jesus taught us to keep our hearts clean, not having the intention of overthrowing, injuring, manipulating, and manipulating others.

                     Jesus Purpose To Use Clever Terms Like Snake And Sincere Like Dove

    If seen from the above discussion, the purpose of Jesus using this illustration is so that we are always aware of the existing situation (Matthew 10: 17-18), always surrender and ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit to get wisdom from God (Matthew 10: 19-20). ), did not put up a fight but went looking for a safer place (Matthew 10:23).

    This means that we must be vigilant by thinking about everything wisely, being wise in communicating especially with people who don't know God, surrender to Jesus and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit because without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our lives cannot do anything, and if there are people who attack. We may not let us fight them, but let us who are humble to leave them. In the book of Romans also it says do not pay back evil for evil; do what's good for everyone !. (Romans 12:17)


    So from the above discussion, Jesus teaches us to always be careful in doing everything and keep away from cunning, but let our hearts remain clean, have no intention of overthrowing, injuring, manipulating, and manipulating others.
