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Background Problem

    Secular people are people who do not know whether Allah exists or a supernatural reality outside the natural world because they think that everything has a scientific explanation. The secular age is an age where all emphasis lies in the present life without any concept of eternity. All kinds of secularism are a set of beliefs. To say "God is with me", it would be considered unreasonable to most philosophers. For those who believe in God (Christian), without God everything would not exist; but for those who do not believe in Allah "seeing material objects exist by themselves" the physicist C. Stephen Evans wrote, determining God is not like determining the existence of any creature in this material world: "believing in God is the same as believing the universe has certain traits; not believing in Allah is the same as believing the universe has very different properties. So those who believe in Allah argue that Allah's existence cannot be proven empirically.

    The philosopher Alvin Platina "during the last two generations an argument for the existence of God has developed which is called" argument and logic ". His argument begins by investigating the assumption that man's thinking ability is by natural selection. The human brain developed only to enable humans to survive, and many creatures do this very well with no ability to think at all. Everyone must believe that his ratio power works to tell us the truth about reality.

    Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) who approached God through reason gave rise to Liberalism. Kant rejected any evidence of the existence of Allah and held that Allah can only be known through reason. Kant's approach was to suspect that biblical tradition and authority was the product of the Enlightenment itself. This theology emphasizes human reasoning and experience. Religious beliefs must pass the test of human reasoning and scientific discoveries.

    Hobbes believed that the Bible could not provide any revelation. He saw in the Bible many things that didn't make sense. He said that things that humans cannot understand must be believed blindly. The term "blind faith" was coined by Hobbes. He really likes to belittle the Bible. According to Hobbes, in the Bible there are so many nonsensical things that humans have to believe.

    Misguidance occurs when a person does not think or does not function his logic naturally, “A person who does not think is very far from the truth and lives a life full of falsehoods and error. As a result, he will not know the purpose of nature's creation and the meaning of his existence in the world. The tragic poet Sophocles (5th century BC) noted, "the gods instill in man a mind, the supreme of all good gifts." As a result reason becomes central to understanding humanity itself and the world.

    The view of believers, Allah can only be understood by faith, without involving other knowledge in it. So this makes them confused when asked questions about Allah using logic. With a concept like this, they unconsciously forget the importance of understanding the science of logic in explaining everything, even though it is difficult this does not mean it is impossible.