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                                                       CHAPTER II

                                               THEORITICAL REVIEW


A. God's nature

God is Transcendent

God is above His creation (Isaiah 40: 18-23, 24-26). When you say that Allah is transcendent, it means that Allah is different from His creation.

- His designs are different, the Bible states that God's designs are different from human designs (Isaiah 55: 8).

- His person is different, in Psalm 50:21 it says that God is different from His creation.

- Different because of His Divinity, in the Psalms it says that God is almighty above all the earth, He is also above all nations (Psalm 99:12)

God is Spirit, that is, spirit is His essence, His identity.

- God is Formless, God is spirit, meaning that God is formless, meaning that he does not have a body (Luke 24:39). Jesus had a body because He became a man, not because of His eternal nature. God speaks to humans in human forms (atropomophism), the use of human images to help humans come into contact with spirits that humans cannot reach in any other way.

- Allah is One Person, Allah in this case can be said that Allah has three personality traits: emotion / feeling, intellect / mind, and will / ability to choose.

- God is Invisible, if it is said that God is spirit, He is not material, nor is He a Person, but He is also invisible: No one has ever seen God ”(John 1:18). From this fact it follows that: knowing God is spirit frees you from materialism.

God is Eternal

- He has no beginning, God exists from eternity, meaning God is without beginning and without end.

- He is Independent, everything that is created requires something outside of itself to exist. However, to exist God does not need something outside Himself

Allah does not change

- His person does not change, God cannot change. This is what distinguishes Him from everything that exists in this created world.

- His plans do not change, because God's nature is consistent.

- His character hasn't changed

B. Attributes of God

a. Allah is All-Perfect and Sufficient

In English, sufficiency, literally: sufficiency. The meaning of this attribute of Allah shows that Allah is completely and absolutely complete, where nothing can be added to Him or taken from Him.

- Allah is Responsible for His Creation

The misfortune of God's perfection means that He is fully responsible for all. Because, Creation Reveals His Person in Psalm 19: 2 explains that the glory of God which encompasses all things can be manifested by the diversity that exists in His creation. From God's favorite creation, God created the universe because He likes to do it (cf. Ephesians 1: 5).

- God Does Not Depend on His Creation

Allah, who created the heavens and the earth and everything in them, explains that Allah is independent from His creation where Allah does not need anything from His creation order so that He can remain Allah. Allah does not perform its function out of necessity.

b. Allah is Most Holy

Holiness is the most important attribute of God's attributes. Of the elements of God's nature, the most important is that God is holy. This holiness of God sets Him apart from creation, because He is perfect in that holiness.


A. Definition of Logic

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, logic is the knowledge of the rules of thinking, the way of thinking that makes sense (logic is knowledge of the rules of thinking that make sense).

Understanding logic according to several experts or figures:

- According to Khalimi, logic is a science that provides valid thinking rules or healthy thinking.

- Rafael Raga Maram, logic is thoughts that can be understood or made sense.

- Asmoro Achmadi, logic is a field of knowledge that studies all principles, rules and procedures for correct reasoning.

- Ahmad Dardiri, logic is a branch of philosophy that discusses general principles and valid inference norms.

- Louis O. Kattsof, logic is the science of straight inference.

- Paulus Daun, logic is an assessment to think validly.

Logic Etymology

The term logic comes from the Greek word "Logikos" which comes from the noun "logos" which means "something that is uttered, a reasoning or thought, or speaking words relating to language". So etomologically, logic means "a reasoning or thought which is expressed through words and expressed in language".

Conclusion: Logic is a means of thinking systematically, is valid and can be justified. Therefore, to think logically is to think according to predetermined rules of thought.

B. History of Logic

The development of logic cannot be separated from the journey of Greek philosophy and its transformation into thought in scientific activity. Thinking activities arose at the same time as the first humans, where humans were given the potential to think about themselves and everything that was outside of themselves. The person who put forward this logic was Aristotle, an Ancient Greek philosopher (384-322 BC). Aristoleh's arguments are systematic criteria for analyzing and evaluating arguments (syllogistic logic).

C. Division of Logic

In essence, logic can be divided into two types, namely natural logic (natural) and scientific logic (scientific). Natural logic is the performance of human reason that thinks precisely and straightly before being influenced by subjective desires and tendencies. The natural logical faculty of man is born. scientific logic refines, sharpens the mind and intellect; scientific logic becomes a special science that formulates principles that must be adhered to in every thought.

D. Purpose and Benefits of Studying Logic

The following are some of the goals and benefits of studying logic:

- Can develop the potential of reason in assessing the object of thought by using a thinking methodology

- Locating problems and adjusting tasks to the right situations and conditions

- Distinguish bold thinking processes and conclusions from wrong ones

- Increase the ability to think carefully and objectively

- Increase intelligence and improve the ability to think sharply and independently

- Increase the love of truth and avoid thinking mistakes, mistakes and also heresies

- Helping anyone who studies logic to think rationally, critically, straightly, consistently, wisely, methodically and coherently.