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                                                   PERFECT WANTED

                                                    MATTHEW 1: 21-23

    In our lives as young people, we must have been looking forward to the figure of someone who will become our future. We must also have determined what the criteria or figure will be our partner in the future.

    I have a female friend who is quite close to me, she often tells me how the criteria for a man to be her partner. He said that he really wanted to have the criteria of a man who was tall, white, wearing glasses, handsome, kind, fearful of God, stable and many more. My friend is really looking forward to a man like that. Until one day she continued to hope and pray to God so that she would be reunited with a man like that and she was never bored and tired of waiting for the figure of her ideal man until she found a figure like that. But until now he still has not found the criteria for the man he was looking forward to, because there is no perfect human being like my friend wanted.

    Now, what about our life as God's children, are we still waiting for things that are uncertain on this earth? So that is how we as God's children know what is appropriate and what is certain for us to look forward to in our lives. Then, what kind of figure we are waiting for?

1. The Savior

    Our lives as humans, we often look forward to things that are not sure. And so many times we just look forward to worldly things that satisfy only our carnal desires, which only make us temporarily happy, and only with things that are impermanent. Without thinking and waiting for eternal things for our lives in the future, especially for those who are young.

    Brother in Matthew 1:21 says: "He will give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins". From this verse we can see that God loves humans so much that God fulfills His promises to humans, where when humans fall into sin and humans have lost their relationship with God, the relationship between God and humans is cut off because of SIN. This sin occurred because of man's disobedience to God's commands and because of man's dissatisfaction with what God had given to man. So that because of the fall of man into sin, God promised salvation to mankind so that He gave His only begotten Son, who is named Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who God gave to humans to become the Savior for sinful humans. Jesus saved mankind by giving Himself to be tortured, humiliated, and killed. Where Jesus sacrificed Himself to die on the cross, to take away all the sins of mankind. Jesus is the right person for humans to wait for, because only Jesus Christ is able to save humans from sin. Because no man is able to save himself from sin. Because the sins that have been committed by humans, have bound humans and will lead them to death. Then only Jesus is the only way of Salvation that can save mankind.

    But sometimes we as humans never realize who we are, we never even appreciate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for us sinners. Sometimes we don't receive the grace that God has given us.

    Brothers today, I invite all of us to meditate on these words, the figure we have been waiting for has come to the world and He has fulfilled His promises to save mankind. So let us as God's children believe in the figure we are waiting for, namely Jesus Christ, that He alone is the Savior of mankind.

2. The Companion

    Have you, as children of God, thought, how would our life be without Jesus Christ? Are we able to live our lives without Jesus Christ? Can we be saved without Jesus Christ coming into the world without giving Himself to take away all the sins of mankind? Brother, maybe we have thought like this in our minds. But what you need to know is that we humans have fallen into sin and we will not be able to live without Jesus Christ in our lives.

    In Matthew 1:22, it says: "... That it may be fulfilled that the Lord has spoken ...". This verse wants to explain to us, that God has promised Adam and Eve, that God will give salvation to mankind and God has fulfilled that promise by giving His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. And in verse 23, it says:… they will name Him Immanuel, which means: Allah be with us ”. This is the proof that Allah has given to humans, that Allah is very forgiving

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