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                            Writings -Paul's 

    Paul was a very gifted man because we see his very broad and effective ministry work made easier because he was close to two nations, namely the Jews and the Romans. His way of life was with the deep conviction that the way to God was not through obedience to the law but his actions could be Jewish. For example, the doctor Luke wrote the story of Paul when he shaved his hair in the kengkrea because of a vow (Acts 18:18). In all of his writings he made constant reference to the Jewish Scriptures. And it is clear that towards the end of his life he took great importance that Allah had bestowed such a great fortune on his people.

    Paul identifies himself with Israel even in his writings to Gentiles mentioning Abraham. Even though he was a Jew Paul proved that he was called to work primarily in Gentiles. The data are so complex that it is difficult to study Paul's writings. Paul was an original thinker and sometimes Paul had to find the right language and be able to say things that no one else had said before. Paul's writings differ from those of John or any of the other Hypnotic Gospels. Paul's writings are real writings in the form of letters sent to people who do exist and have real problems.

    The use of God's name is extraordinary Paul refers to God more than any other writer and Paul wrote most of the NT books and mentioned the name of God 153 times, Paul was very infatuated or admired God and always talked about God who be the center of his thought, whatever Paul describes is always connected with God, to him God is very important from now and forever and he looks forward with hope for the coming of that age, the sorrow of God being all in all (1 Cor 15:28) the staunch monotheists only exist and can only be one God. Power and strength come from God Paul was attracted to the various powers of God that gave him that power as well as Paul's attraction to glory.

    Sometimes Paul talks about divine attributes he sees God as the one who lives as faithful and God does not lie, Paul also shows us that God is the source of everything. Paulu can speak about the attributes of Allah but what characterizes his writings is that he is often about what Allah does rather than about His nature and being.

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