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                                                                      CHAPTER ONE 


1. Background

    The existence of sinful human beings has damaged the human relationship with God. Because how can sinful humans be right before a holy God, while sin is always something that is contrary to God. The discussion on the topic of justification will not be separated from the sinful human condition. Between human sin and God's justification is a dilemma. Because how can the God of honest and just money justify humans who are really guilty (sins) and who should be punished? Christ who died on the cross, it is stated by the Bible that His death has opened the way to obtain justification, so that sinners are saved.[1]

    The question that is often asked is how is man justified? The answers given vary. Some claim that justification is a gift from God alone; there are also those who say that justification is the result of human good deeds; but there are also those who combine the two, namely God's grace plus human good deeds to obtain justification. The concept of justification has been a long debate for theologians to this day.

    Choan Seng Song, an Asian pluralist figure vehemently denies that humans are justified by faith. According to him Christians have committed a terrible twist on the teaching of the Apostle Paul about justification by faith. “Justification by faith” is simply an abridged version of the Apostle Paul's rich and profound theology.[2]

    The Roman Catholic Church agrees that man is reconciled to God through the death of Jesus Christ. But on the other hand, Catholicism also believes in purgatory (related to indulgences).[3] The Catholic Church defines indulgences as:

    “Abolition before God of temporary punishments for sins whose guilt has been dissolved, which is obtained by the Christian faithful who is of good disposition, and fulfills certain conditions which are obtained with the help of the Church, which, as the minister of salvation, has the power to liberate and enforce the treasure of restoration. Christ and the saints.[4] People whose sins have been forgiven still have to serve the punishment for that sin, this punishment is abolished by indulgences. That is why the Roman Catholic Church still offers prayers for souls in purgatory, namely prayers for people who at the time of death were not ready to face God.[5]

    The Apostle Paul explained that justification is the work of God in the life of the believer. This justification cannot be obtained or maintained by human effort, for it is based entirely on Christ's sacrifice on the cross (1 Peter 2:24) and is received only by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). No effort is required to obtain that justification. Paul is a biblical figure who has an important role in Christianity. As an apostle, his greatest task was to preach the gospel to everyone regardless of race. In the letters written by the apostle Paul, he repeatedly explained the concept of justification, one of which is in Romans.

    In this Epistle Paul explains the basis of the concept of justification that God does to humans (Romans 5:16). In Romans 3:21-21, it is clearly stated that Justification can be received through faith in Jesus, justification also comes only because of the grace of God revealed through Christ. Romans 3:4, that God is righteous and also justifies those who believe in Jesus (Romans 3:4). Where God himself plays a role in replacing humans, by sending His children into the world.

    A good understanding of "justification" in the life of Christians is very important and absolutely necessary. Because with a good and true knowledge of the theology of justification, it will help believers to grow in faith in Christ Jesus.

2. Problem Formulation

      Based on the above background, the author will discuss the Theology of Justification according to the Apostle Paul in Romans.

3. Purpose of Writing

    Based on the explanation above, the author sees that there is a problem in understanding justification. Therefore, the author will try to provide a correct understanding of this theology of justification. In this case, the author will focus on discussing the Theology of Justification of the Apostle Paul in Romans.

[1] Dave Polandos, Justification and the New Birth. (Bekasi: Save The Unreached Ministries, 2010) 1, 11

[2] C. S. Song, Name Us- Story Theology from an Asian Perspective. (Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 1999) 34

[3] Purgatory is the belief of the Catholic faith that there is a final stage in the process of purification of pada man's journey to God.

[4] Martasudjita, Sacraments of the Church – Theological, Liturgical and Pastoral Overview. (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2007) 329

[5] Indonesian Bishops' Conference, Catholic Faith- Information and Reference Book. (Surabaya: Momentum, 2003) 468