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Hermeneutical Qualifications of Elder/Overseer of the Congregation

The words elder or overseer in the Bible can be used interchangeably (Acts 20). The terms “Elder” and “the office of elder” are considered the most important and most honorable ecclesiastical offices. In the Bible, especially the New Testament, the pastoral letters as a whole are the best available source of knowledge for understanding church life during the transitional period between the end of the pioneering period and the growth of the institutional organization. So that there needs to be a leader to guide God's people, and make them an example, so it is required of the overseer/elder to be an example in personal life, domestic life and integrity. Because the responsibilities of office in the Christian church require people who can be imitated by others.

Being a leader must have good behavior for all those who are served (1 Tim. 6:11-21; Titus 1:5-9). But must also have the courage to defend the truth (2 Tim. 2:1-26), by realizing that the gospel does not depend on personal opinion but on God Himself (2 Tim. 3:10-4:8), also raises people to held leadership positions in the churches, had similar qualities, and was the kind of person others could admire (1 Tim. 3:1-13; 4:6-16). For this reason, this paper can briefly describe the qualifications to become a church leader according to 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1 and 1 Peter 5 as a guide to see the Biblical criteria for seeking leaders in the church.

I. Personal Life (moral and spiritual)

In the personal life of a prospective Christian leader must have a serious nature, in Paul's advice to Timothy and Titus to appoint church overseers which is a noble task and a required qualification (1 Tim. 3: 1). The qualifications required to become a leader in the church are in terms of morals and spirituality;

1. Flawless, meaning that there are no shortcomings (in terms of self-restraint cf. 5:7 and 6:14) so ​​that it is not easy to be a stumbling block. In the KJV translation ``blameless” means holy, so it cannot be reproached for error.

2. Not a drinker, meaning not a person who likes to get drunk because of drinks.

3. Friendly is not grumpy, meaning not a rude person who likes to hit, or overly emotional in dealing with problems / things.

4. Peacemaker, meaning to be a mediator in a hot situation, not a "trouble maker".


II. Home Life

It is very clear that to be a leader, in this case an elder must have good qualifications in terms of leading, starting from his life in the household as the head of the household.

1. Husband of one wife means, not having polygamy, can have two meanings, firstly serving by having one wife who is still alive, secondly serving while maintaining the situation with his dead wife. (read William Barclay's book)

2. Likes to give a ride means, giving his house for the glory of God's name.

3. A good head of the family, which means being a good leader in the family.

4. Respected and respected by their children, meaning that they can bring their children to live righteously, or become God's representatives in the world.

5. Having a good name outside the congregation, means that his life can be a witness outside the church, and is not a hypocrite, looks good on the inside while outside becomes ridicule of people.


III. Integrity

The word integrity in the KBBI is the quality, nature, or condition that shows a unified whole so that it has the potential and ability that radiates authority; honesty; so this word can cover for several qualifications like the following:

1. Being able to restrain oneself means being submissive to the word (submitting to the word of God, being obedient to the word of God, and being commanded by the word of God), also being able to refrain from speaking quickly and hearing little (Jas. 1:19).

2. Wise means, of course the origin must be from God, not from humans (1 Cor. 2:13; 1 Cor. 1:25 cf. Prov. 9:10)

3. Polite means having a good attitude in the eyes of the congregation and the surrounding community.

4. Able to teach people, meaning people who are able to teach others with a special gift to teach (Rom. 12:7)

5. Not a slave to money, meaning not to be greedy for money, which is the root of all evil (1 Tim.6:10).

6. Not a new convert, in the context of the letter to Timothy that the church in that place has been around long enough compared to the train (letter to Titus), so that there are quite a lot of people who meet the qualifications to carry out this task compared to new converts, after all the congregation has not know the condition of the congregation, and aim not to become a stumbling block or become arrogant because they feel more spiritual than others.


IV. Additional Qualifications

For a comprehensive look at how to become an elder/pastor, The Apostle Peter wrote to the leaders at that time (possibly already in office) to:

1. Having a duty as a shepherd, meaning as a leader of the people, must really be able to be a shepherd for God's people, according to the example of the Lord Jesus as a good Great Shepherd.

2. Not leading by force, but voluntarily according to God's will, being a shepherd who does what should be done, does not do what should not be done, like the example of the leaders of the Israelites who were rebuked by God (Ezek. 34).

3. Not looking for profit alone (with self-devotion), of course, to seek common interests, especially for the glory of God's name.

4. Do not feel that you have the congregation as your personal property, but instead, become an example, which means you should not be arrogant because you feel you have won souls, or give a lot (offerings) to the church. All because of God's love for that person for him to believe, not because of effort. So that it doesn't make leaders arbitrarily to make rules, make decisions, or even have a sense of "right over the person", etc. This kind of attitude "rules over" is an authoritarian person or like a worldly boss, but should be an example who gives whatever can be given / donated to others by giving advice and building character. Ecclesiastical office does not give us the right to rule: to govern the congregation or to govern one another. The job of an ecclesiastical officer is to serve, and to serve is the opposite of ruling (Matt. 20:20-28; Mark 10:35-45)

5. Humble oneself under the hands of God, this word refers to the things above, to become a leader in charge of shepherding, the most important and most basic thing is to humble oneself under the hands of God.

Deacon Qualification

The word deacon appears in 1 Timothy 3 and also appears in Philippians, most likely theologians conclude that the deacon's job can be in the form of "serving, distributing something, showing mercy", it can be seen in Acts 6:1, 2 there has been activity distribution to widows, table service, etc. Free people, kings, big people, arrogant people, rich people, world tycoons – they don't need to do the lowly task called “diakonia”, and with the “diakonia” nature and attitude, i.e. humbly, lowers themselves to the lowest level, servant level!

For his qualifications were no different from those of being an elder, there was only a slight difference with regard to the nature of the service they performed. With additional qualifications such as:

1. An honorable person means a person who is not careless or who is respected.

2. Not forked tongue means not like lies or his words can be trusted.

3. Not to be greedy, the same as not being a slave to money or loving money, because the root of all evil is the love of money (1 Tim. 6:10).

4. Keeping the secret of steadfast faith in a pure heart by being purified, the secret of faith here may be meant is the secret of the gospel that was kept secret by God for centuries, which relates to a pure heart, so it can be concluded that a deacon must hold fast to what which is true theology.

5. Passing the test for disability, it means not literally taking the written exam like an academic student, but it means that being a deacon can be seen from his daily behavior that he has passed the test or received good grades/responses from all parties.

6. Having a wife who is honorable, not a slanderer, can hold back, can be trusted in all things because the wife often goes with her husband, or it can also mean that this is a qualification for a female deacon.



To become a leader, one must have better qualifications than an ordinary congregation, because to hold such a position would certainly be in the spotlight for all eyes, both in the church and in society. As a follower of Christ, like everyone else has these qualifications, without blemish and reproach before God (Ephesians 5:27), and to become a leader in the church with such qualifications, of course, it is possible for everyone to become an official in the church. Regardless of ethnicity, race, or even face-to-face attitude.


Lessons learned:

The needs of the congregation are important in pastoral care, the needs of the congregation usually require a real role model, a person who can become the letter of the living Christ. In the church of course the leaders or church officials are required to be more than other congregations, both in terms of attitude, morals, spirituality, daily life, in the family, etc. So I learned that when I returned from this place (graduated) I must be able to be an example out there, especially in the church where I serve, I must be able to become a servant of God who has passed the test. Amen


Self reflection:

Often I demand that people who have become leaders are perfect people, when issuing orders or regulations, then when that person has mistakes, then he is not worthy to be a leader. I have to be able to change that paradigm.

• Arrogance, feeling capable, feeling that everything happened just because of our efforts, is wrong. Everything happens under God's control, on God's sovereignty. I often do this, I have to be able to change.